Kisaco Research: Sanctions & Export Controls Live
Event summary
Cooley is a sponsor of the Sanctions & Export Controls Live webinar series, which aims to help entities overcome challenges in the current sanctions and export controls landscape. New to 2024, the virtual sessions initiated practical discussions and brainstorm solutions to attendees’ immediate sanctions-related challenges. Industry in-house sanctions counsel also shared their latest insights and lessons from compliance requirements, as well as upcoming risk factors and circumvention measures.
Featured agenda item
Monday, May 13, 2024 | 12:00 – 1:15 pm BST
European Commission, OFSI and OFAC Enforcement Trends: Determine Latest Circumvention, Enforcement and Effective Measures and Its Impact to the Industry
Cooley partner Annie Froehlich was featured on this panel as part of the Sanctions & Export Controls Live series’ opening session. The panel focused on the latest US, European Union and UK export controls measures and challenges, while providing opportunities to learn from regulatory agencies, as well as global corporations and sanctions solutions providers.
For more information, please email Rebecca Lanz.
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