
The L Suite Webinar: Data Breach Readiness – Proactive Strategies to Safeguard Your Company

October 8, 2024
Event details
October 8, 2024
1:00 – 2:00 pm Eastern Daylight Time

Event summary

Cooley is a proud sponsor of The L Suite Webinar: Data Breach Readiness – Proactive Strategies to Safeguard Your Company. Cooley partner and cyber/data/privacy practice group vice chair Travis LeBlanc was a featured speaker during this one-hour session, which covered the essential tools and strategies you need to safeguard against inevitable breaches, regardless of your company’s growth stage. Topics included:

  • Developing and implementing an effective data breach/incident response plan aligned with organizational and legal needs.
  • Understanding the critical legal steps to take before and after a breach, including regulatory reporting, notifications, and managing internal communications.
  • Discussing best practices for advising your organization on regulatory compliance, incident response and risk mitigation strategies to enhance your company’s defenses.

For more information, please email Erica Koljonen.

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