On demand

Gaming + Interactive Media

Madness of Mass Arbitration

March 18, 2025
Event details
March 18, 2025
11:00 am – 12:00 pm Pacific Standard Time

Event summary

Join Cooley for our upcoming Gaming + Interactive Media webinar series, where we’ll explore some of the most pressing legal issues facing the gaming industry today. Our speakers will provide valuable insights and practical advice across topics like in-game virtual assets, the increasing use of state “wiretapping” laws, and the rise of mass arbitrations.

Session 3 – Madness of Mass Arbitration

Join Cooley partners Teresa Michaud and Marc Suskin for a discussion on the rise of mass arbitrations, where thousands of individual arbitrations are filed simultaneously by the same plaintiffs’ firm. This tactic often forces the responding company to face substantial upfront arbitration filing fees – potentially totaling millions of dollars – before the arbitration has even begun. 

In addition to discussing how the mass arbitration trend took hold, this session will review recent cases, legal developments and potential mechanisms for defending against the possibility of mass arbitrations for companies that wish to keep class action waivers in their arbitration agreements.

For more information, please contact Jana Laster

Continuing legal education (CLE) credits

CLE credit is anticipated for these live events in the amount of 1.0 credit. Credit will not be granted for on-demand viewing.

Cooley LLP is an approved provider and may provide credit in CA, CO, IL, NY, PA and TX.

Cooley LLP is a sponsor and may apply for credit in FL, OH, VA and WA.

Credit in other jurisdictions may be available via reciprocity.

Outside of the US, Cooley provides certificates of attendance.

For specific CLE credit questions, please contact Cooley’s CLE team.

Gaming + Interactive Media programming

Session 1 – Play or Pay: The Future of Exchangeable Virtual Currency in Gaming // January 28, 2025

Session 2 – SState of Play: Gaming Companies & Online Tracking Litigation // February 25, 2025

Session 3 – Madness of Mass Arbitration // March 18, 2025

On demand

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