Global Business Hub
1. What is Taxplaining?
Tax talk is a lot like a foreign language. You won't learn it in a day, but we can help you understand the basics enough to make good decisions about your company.
2. Choosing an Entity
Choosing the entity type for your business is an important decision that can have significant tax-related implications. We discuss five important considerations to think about when deciding on the best entity for your business.
3. Controlled Foreign Corporations
Xander discusses the tax concept of controlled foreign corporations. If your company is going to have foreign subsidiaries or you are going to make significant investments in foreign companies, this video explains the qualifications and the tax consequences of doing so.
4. Passive Foreign Investment Companies
If you currently invest or plan to invest in foreign entities, this video explains the complexities of the PFIC rules and how they may apply to you.
Additional resources
10 Key Issues for US Flip Transactions
There are 10 key issues to consider when structuring a flip transaction - where shareholders in an overseas company exchange their shares for shares in a new US company. In a flip, the new US company becomes the parent company, and the overseas company becomes a wholly owned subsidiary of the parent.
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