WBJ Names Colleen Gillis to Power 100
Reston, VA – November 4, 2016 – The Washington Business Journal named Cooley real estate partner Colleen Gillis to its 2016 Power 100 Playmakers list, which highlights the most influential or newsworthy business leaders who moved something forward or made headlines.
Gillis's practice includes representing major developers and national, regional and local companies in all areas of land use entitlement, including office, retail, industrial, mixed-use, residential, hotel and large planned community projects. She previously worked as a transactional real estate lawyer, which enables her to effectively and efficiently advise on the nuanced interrelationship of entitlement, acquisition, financing and divestment during the life cycle of any given project.
“Her combination of credibility, know-how and relationships enables her to find a way to weave together the arduous process with the developer’s vision,” notes the WBJ, in connection with Gillis’s work in Loudoun County’s “notoriously tough development pipeline.”
In April of this year, the WBJ profiled Gillis for her contribution to improving the landscape of Loudoun, Virginia.
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