Real Estate
Top-ranked in Chambers, Legal 500 and Best Lawyers
Why Cooley
35+ real estate professionals – including lawyers, senior urban planners and law clerks
Dynamic, close-knit team with a deep understanding of the law, client objectives and the real estate market
Combine industry experience with broad base of high-profile clients to offer unmatched perspective on market deal points and facilitate introductions with investors and lenders
Strong relationships in local jurisdictions provide our clients invaluable assistance in acquiring critical approvals
Extensive experience with environmental matters, including claims arising under CEQA and NEPA and potential statutory violations relating to CERCLA (Superfund), RCRA, Proposition 65 and the Clean Water Act
Team’s diverse capabilities allow us to explore all facets of real estate development and craft the best business-oriented solutions for our clients
The firm provides an A-plus performance. It’s the attorneys' conscientiousness and subject knowledge that makes me say that.
Chambers USA
- Best Lawyers: Tier 1 Real Estate, Land Use
- Legal 500 US: Real Estate, Real Estate Land Use/Zoning
- Chambers USA: Tier 1 Real Estate
- Daily Journal: Top Appellate Reversals – Santa Fe Pacific Pipelines
- GWCAR: Real Estate Law Firm of the Year
- ALIS: Single Asset Transaction of the Year
- Team includes a Chambers USA elite “Star Individual,” Law 360 “Rising Star,” Best Lawyers “2013 Lawyer of the Year for Land Use & Zoning” and one of Daily Journal’s “Top 50 Development Lawyers” (2014)