New York Law Journal Names Cooley Partner a Rising Star
July 9, 2018 – The New York Law Journal has distinguished Cooley partner Tanisha James as a Rising Star. This annual list recognizes the region’s most promising young lawyers who have wielded influence in their practice areas in New York and beyond.
Elected to Cooley’s partnership in January, James advises some of the world’s biggest companies and investors on complex domestic and international transactions and mattters in virtually every sector – especially in the fast-growing areas of technology and biotech. She has advised on the antitrust aspects of several recent significant deals including Meredith Corporation’s acquisition of Time, meal-kit startup Plated’s sale to Albertsons and Horizon Pharma’s agreement to acquire River Vision.
The New York Law Journal will honor its Rising Stars on October 10 at the New York Legal Awards at Tribeca 360° in New York City.
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