Cooley Partner Contributes to Book on Biotech’s Response to COVID-19
San Diego – July 7, 2020 – Wainwright Fishburn, Cooley partner and global chair of the firm's digital health practice, has authored a chapter in the book “Biotechnology in the Time of COVID-19: Commentaries From the Front Line.” Edited by Dr. Jeremy Levin, chairman and CEO of Ovid Therapeutics and chairman of the Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO), it is a collection of perspectives from 50+ life sciences and healthcare thought leaders – 35% of which are Cooley clients – on the impact of and response to the pandemic.
In his chapter, titled “Rewriting the Rules of Healthcare,” Fishburn discusses the responses of the life sciences industry, including company collaboration, technology innovation and a heightened focus on digital health practices. Additionally, the chapter reflects on the COVID-19 solutions that more than 150 of Cooley clients are focused on, ranging from drug development to new technology platforms and applications, such as Vir Biotechnology’s collaboration with GlaxoSmithKline to develop treatments for coronaviruses.
“Telehealth and remote monitoring are taking center stage as socially distanced patients are using telehealth visits before seeking in-person care (this was my personal story),” writes Fishburn. “Companies are heeding the call. Using biometric sensors connected to hospitals, providers and first responders, Cherish Health is rolling out a home monitoring system for COVID-19 patients. Lumeon digitally screens and enrolls symptomatic patients in an SMS home monitoring program for NYC Health + Hospitals. In March, the US government announced that healthcare providers could practice across state lines, unlocking a greater supply of providers and eliminating some of the regulatory barriers that hinder early-stage digital health innovators from servicing clients nationally.”
Cooley has been an active supporter of BIO and its annual flagship event, the BIO International Convention, since 2013, when Fishburn launched the conference’s Digital Health Track, which he has chaired ever since. The convention is the largest global event for the biotechnology industry, attracting 16,000+ industry leaders, while covering a wide range of life sciences and application areas. This year marks the first virtual BIO International Convention, which is available online until July 11.
Cooley represents 500+ digital health companies that are improving the quality and affordability of healthcare and, in 2019, helped digital health clients raise $1.5 billion in seed and venture capital financings. In response to COVID-19, Cooley has assembled and deployed a multidisciplinary team of more than 75 lawyers worldwide to provide clients with real-time assessment and assistance, while continuing to support their vital work. The team operates the firm’s coronavirus resource hub, a regularly updated resource with insight to help businesses navigate unprecedented issues.
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