Top 100 Lawyers
Cooley partners Charlie Kim and Travis LeBlanc have been named as Top 100 Lawyers in California by the Daily Journal.
Kim is co-chair of Cooley's global capital markets practice group. The Daily Journal highlights Kim's large volume of work, noting that "since 2019 alone, Kim was involved in more than 100 successful public company securities offerings." It goes on to say that both "enthusiasm and regard for the pace at which the life sciences are advancing drive Kim."
LeBlanc is vice chair of Cooley’s cyber, data and privacy practice and a member of the US Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board. The Daily Journal highlights that he brings "significant government experience in privacy and security policymaking to his litigation chops and his investigative talents," while noting that this skill set is advantageous in aiding emerging and disruptive technology clients.
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