Cooley Ranked Among Top Cyber + Data Privacy Law Firms in Global Data Review’s GDR 100
London – December 13, 2021 – Cooley has been named among the 25 Elite firms in Global Data Review’s second annual edition of the GDR 100, which identifies and profiles the world’s best data law firms. The Elite ranking is the highest level awarded by GDR. Partners Ann Bevitt, Travis LeBlanc, Mike Rhodes and Patrick Van Eecke were further identified as leading individuals.
The GDR 100 examines not only law firms’ privacy and data protection capabilities, but also their work on all other kinds of data law – including data localization, business-to-business disputes about data acquisition and breach responsibility, antitrust, the use of IP and confidentiality laws to protect proprietary data, and more.
In a profile about Cooley, GDR wrote, “Cooley looks at data holistically. While its main practice for these purposes is cyber/data/privacy, the Palo Alto-headquartered firm is one of the best in the world at handling all aspects of technology law – including data privacy, soft and hard IP and tech transactions. Cooley sees data as sitting at the hub of the technology wheel, and advises clients on how to navigate its spoke.” It also goes on to highlight some of Cooley’s work – past and ongoing – stating, “if there’s a high-profile privacy dispute in the US, there’s a good chance that Cooley will be involved.”
Cooley’s cyber/data/privacy practice is a cross-functional, integrated team of lawyers in the US, Europe and Asia spanning the spectrum of advisory, transactional, regulatory and litigation matters involving privacy, cybersecurity and data governance. Its blog, cyber/data/privacy insights, provides proactive legal insight and analysis on the full range of cybersecurity, data protection and privacy issues.
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