Press Release

Cooley Grows Life Sciences Emerging Companies and Venture Capital Practice in Boston

May 21, 2024

Boston – May 21, 2024 – James Schneider has joined Cooley as a partner in the firm’s emerging companies and venture capital practice in Boston. Schneider, a former Cooley associate, most recently served as deputy general counsel for RA Capital Management, a premier life sciences-focused venture capital firm.

“James is an exceptional lawyer, and we are thrilled to welcome him back to Cooley,” said Sonya Erickson, chair of Cooley’s global business department. “His arrival will be a major benefit to our market-leading life sciences practices and a fantastic addition to our Boston office.”

“James’s extensive experience leading investments in private and public life sciences companies, coupled with his in-house tenure at one of the most active and dynamic healthcare and biotechnology funds, will be a tremendous asset to our clients in Boston and across our global platform,” added Boston-based Marc Recht, co-chair of Cooley’s global life sciences industry practice.

At RA Capital Management, Schneider was focused on private and public investments, coordinating with portfolio companies regarding deal structures and terms, and providing counsel and oversight on fund regulatory matters. He advised on numerous late-stage, crossover and complex private investment in public equity (PIPE) financing transactions. Schneider oversaw all aspects of investment transactions and was the primary legal contact for RA Capital’s hedge fund strategy.

“Cooley’s life sciences and private companies platform is unmatched, and I look forward to collaborating with my Cooley colleagues, new and old, to help our clients in Boston and across our platform support many of the world’s most innovative life sciences companies,” Schneider said.

For 40+ years, Cooley has focused on the representation of innovators and investors in the life sciences and healthcare sector. From launching the first biotech company to the first IPO in the industry, Cooley has been a trusted partner for life sciences and healthcare companies. Worldwide, we actively represent 2,500+ public and private life sciences company clients throughout their life cycle, and we are counsel to nearly 50% of the companies on the Nasdaq Biotechnology Index.

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