Three Practical Steps to Prepare for AI Regulation in the Workplace
Is it time to conduct an artificial intelligence audit? Knowing how your organisation already uses AI will help you prepare to comply with any regulatory framework. Tune in as Cooley partner Chris Stack discusses three straightforward steps employers can take to ready themselves for the increasing global regulation of AI.
AI Talks Series
Cooley’s AI Talks series highlights multidisciplinary perspectives on artificial intelligence and showcases the firm’s subject matter knowledge on the intricacies – and complexities – of large language models, machine learning and AI technology. In this bespoke virtual series, Cooley lawyers discuss key legal and business issues arising from the rapid development, commercialization, and use of generative AI platforms and applications.
AI + Employment
This session will cover myriad issues related to employment counseling and litigation from an AI perspective in the US and the UK. We will discuss best practices associated with AI-powered tools, including compliance with laws and administrative guidance concerning the use of these tools in employment decisions and managing generative AI usage by employees to perform their jobs.
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