Matt Nguyen

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Cooley, Social and Racial Justice Nonprofits Challenge Constitutionality of TikTok Ban

June 27, 2024

Cooley today filed an amicus brief on behalf of social and racial justice nonprofits in TikTok Inc. and ByteDance Ltd. v. Merrick B. Garland (US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit) challenging the federal legislation banning TikTok – a modern-day digital town square used by more than 150 million US users to engage in First Amendment-protected expression – on free speech and equal protection grounds.

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Related contacts

Matt Nguyen
Associate, Washington, DC
Kathleen R. Hartnett
Partner, San Francisco
Travis LeBlanc
Partner, Washington, DC
Jamie Robertson
Associate, Chicago
Robert Denniston
Associate, Washington, DC
Hilarie Laing
Paralegal Specialist, Washington, DC

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Cooley, Cybersecurity Leaders File Brief Opposing SEC’s SolarWinds Cyberattack Case

February 2, 2024

Cooley, alongside co-counsel Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer US LLP, filed amicus briefs on behalf of 50+ current and former chief information security officers and cybersecurity organizations in Securities and Exchange Commission v. SolarWinds Corp. and Timothy G. Brown, which is pending in the US District Court for the Southern District of New York.

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Related contacts

Andrew D. Goldstein
Partner, Washington, DC
Josef Ansorge
Special Counsel, Washington, DC
Matt Nguyen
Associate, Washington, DC
Robert Denniston
Associate, Washington, DC
Hilarie Laing
Paralegal Specialist, Washington, DC

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Cooley Contributes to Heightened Constitutional Protections for Emerging Adults in Massachusetts

January 11, 2024

Cooley filed an amicus brief representing many of the nation’s top neuroscience, psychology and juvenile justice scholars in support of protecting emerging adults aged 18 to 20 from receiving sentences of life without parole pursuant to the Eighth Amendment and the Massachusetts Constitution.

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Related contacts

Adam Gershenson
Partner, Boston
Kathleen R. Hartnett
Partner, San Francisco
Matt Nguyen
Associate, Washington, DC

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Cooley, Representing Neuroscience Scholars, Seeks Parole Reform for Youthful Offenders

September 1, 2023

Cooley filed an amicus brief representing more than 25 of the nation’s leading neuroscience, psychology, and juvenile justice scholars and nonprofits in the pending California Supreme Court merits case, People v. Hardin.

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Related contacts

Adam Gershenson
Partner, Boston
Kathleen R. Hartnett
Partner, San Francisco
Matt Nguyen
Associate, Washington, DC
Ariana E. Bustos
Associate, Los Angeles
Dawn Roelofs
Paralegal Specialist, Reston

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Cooley Secures Landmark California Supreme Court Victory Bolstering Whistleblower Safeguards for Charities

August 4, 2023

Cooley represented plaintiff and appellant Debra Turner in successfully petitioning the California Supreme Court to review her case and in achieving a sweeping victory on the merits for Turner and for all California charities.

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Related contacts

Matt Nguyen
Associate, Washington, DC
Steve Strauss
Senior Counsel, San Diego
Erin Trenda
Partner, San Diego
Jamie Robertson
Associate, Chicago
Jonathan Phillips
Senior Paralegal, San Diego

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Admissions and credentials


District of Columbia

Rankings and accolades

Forbes 30 Under 30 (Law & Policy)

CAFE 100 Changemaker, Preet Bharara

Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowship

Exemplary Legal Writing, The Green Bag

Captain, U.S. Army Reserve