
Inclusion Blueprint Champions Webinar – Linking Compensation to Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

January 26, 2022
Event details
January 26, 2022
2:00 – 3:00 pm Eastern Standard Time

Event summary

Cooley was recently named as Diversity Lab Inclusion Blueprint Champions for the firm's efforts to implement, track and measure inclusion actions that contribute to a fair and equitable workplace. As part of the recognition, Amie Santos, Cooley's Director of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, will highlight its trailblazing efforts to provide billable credit, link partner and practice group leader compensation and align Cooley's rewards systems with the firm's strongly held values to grow and support a diverse and inclusive environment in this virtual program. Moderated by Gina Passarella, Editor-in-Chief at The American Lawyer, this program will feature several of the 2021 Inclusion Champions who will share best practices and lessons learned.

Event details and registration

For more information, please email Erica Deane.

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