Nachi Baru

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Allbirds Secures Motion to Dismiss Win in Securities Fraud Class Action

May 10, 2024

Cooley successfully represented Allbirds, a global footwear and apparel brand with roots in New Zealand and headquarters in San Francisco, in a securities fraud class action lawsuit brought by investors.

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Related contacts

Koji Fukumura
Partner, San Diego
Ryan Blair
Partner, San Diego
Heather Speers
Partner, San Diego
Brian M. French
Partner, New York
Brad Goldberg
Partner, New York
Nachi Baru
Associate, San Diego
Katherine Denby
Special Counsel, Washington, DC
Amanda Jereige
Associate, San Diego
Cristina Ferruolo
Associate, San Diego
Ross D. Mecham
eDiscovery Attorney, San Diego
Cynthia Deatrick
Paralegal Specialist, San Diego

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Freshworks Agrees to Acquire Device42

May 3, 2024

Cooley advised Freshworks (Nasdaq: FRSH), a company that creates artificial intelligence-boosted business software for IT, customer support, sales, and marketing teams to make them more efficient and deliver more value for immediate business impact, on its agreement and plan of merger with D42 Parent (Device42), pursuant to which Freshworks – through its wholly owned subsidiary, Doppler Merger Sub –will acquire all of the outstanding equity interests of Device42 for an aggregate purchase price of approximately $230 million.Cooley advised Freshworks (Nasdaq: FRSH), a company that creates artificial intelligence-boosted business software for IT, customer support, sales, and marketing teams to make them more efficient and deliver more value for immediate business impact, on its agreement and plan of merger with D42 Parent (Device42), pursuant to which Freshworks – through its wholly owned subsidiary, Doppler Merger Sub –will acquire all of the outstanding equity interests of Device42 for an aggregate purchase price of approximately $230 million.

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Related contacts

Sepideh Mousakhani
Partner, Palo Alto
Rishab Kumar
Partner, Palo Alto
Steve Tonsfeldt
Partner, Palo Alto
Zachary Sonenshine
Associate, New York
Queenie Chen
Associate, Palo Alto
Ariane A. Andrade
Partner, Chicago
Megan Browdie
Partner, Washington, DC
Ross Eberly
Partner, Santa Monica
Charles Haley
Partner, Palo Alto
Eileen Marshall
Partner, Washington, DC
Alessandra Murata
Partner, Palo Alto
Tracy Rubin
Partner, Palo Alto
Elizabeth Skey
Partner, Palo Alto
Chris Stack
Partner, London
Bryan Berman
Special Counsel, Colorado
Stacey A. Bradford
Special Counsel, Washington, DC
Amy Collins
Special Counsel, London
David Hopkins
Special Counsel, Colorado
Kristopher Kleiner
Special Counsel, Colorado
Stella Sarma
Partner, Brussels
Tiffany Allen
Associate, Palo Alto
Kafeel Azher
Associate, London
Nachi Baru
Associate, San Diego
Jaleel Chandler
Associate, Santa Monica
Joshua Elefant
Associate, Palo Alto
Athina Gaki
Associate, Brussels
Tony P. Guan
Associate, Santa Monica
Katie Kaufman
Associate, Boston
Allison Kutner
Associate, New York
Breanna Qin
Associate, Palo Alto
Patrick Sharma
Associate, Santa Monica
Mickeala Tu
Associate, Palo Alto
Genevieve Lim Urban
Associate, Seattle
Patricia Myers
Paralegal Specialist, Colorado
Laura Unga
Paralegal Specialist, Palo Alto
Brian Youn
Paralegal Specialist, Palo Alto
Sarah Buchik
Associate, New York

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