Ellen Dewhurst

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EyeBiotech Limited Announces $130 Million Series A

November 14, 2023

Cooley advised EyeBiotech Limited, a privately held, clinical-stage ophthalmology biotechnology company working to deliver a new generation of therapies for eye diseases, on the close of an extension to its Series A financing, bringing the total raised to date to $130 million.

Related contacts

Tom Goodman
Partner, London
Michael Tuscan
Partner, Washington, DC
Christian Plaza
Partner, Reston
Nicola Maguire
Partner, London
Karen Tsai
Special Counsel, Washington, DC
Annie Froehlich
Partner, Washington, DC
Bonnie Weiss McLeod
Of Counsel, Washington, DC
Kerry Corrigan
Associate, London
Ellen Dewhurst
Associate, London

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Automata Closes 33.1 Million-Pound Series C

October 1, 2023

Cooley advised Dimension as lead investor in Automata’s 33.1-million-pound Series C financing. Automata, an automation company helping life sciences rapidly innovate, diagnose and discover at scale, will use the funds to accelerate its rapid growth and industry presence across the US, UK, Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Partner Aaron Archer led the Cooley team advising Dimension, a first-of-its-kind firm partnering with founders at the intersection of technology and life sciences.

Related contacts

Aaron Archer
Partner, London
Kerry Corrigan
Associate, London
Jeff Laretto
Partner, New York
Jia Xie
Associate, London
Kafeel Azher
Associate, London
Rick Jantz
Associate, Los Angeles Santa Monica
Aaron Pomeroy
Partner, Colorado
Chris Coulter
Partner, London
Erika Freeman
Associate, New York
Andrew Gunther
Associate, New York
Ellen Dewhurst
Associate, London

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Cooley Advises Quell Therapeutics on its Exclusive Treg Collaboration With AstraZeneca

June 9, 2023

Cooley advised Quell Therapeutics, a leading T-regulatory (Treg) cell therapy biotech company based in London, on its exclusive collaboration with AstraZeneca.

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Related contacts

Kenneth Krisko
Partner, Reston
Frances Stocks Allen
Partner, London
Tom Goodman
Partner, London
Jiqiang Lin
Associate, New York
J. Brian Stalter
Special Counsel, New York
Ellen Dewhurst
Associate, London

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Cooley Advises Lightspeed Venture Partners on $13 Million Series A Financing of Supercritical

June 1, 2023

Cooley advised Lightspeed Venture Partners on its investment in the $13 million Series A financing of Supercritical, a vetted carbon removal marketplace helping businesses reach net zero. Partner Aaron Archer led the Cooley team advising Lightspeed Venture Partners, a multistage venture capital firm focused on accelerating disruptive innovations and trends.

Related contacts

Aaron Archer
Partner, London
Ellen Dewhurst
Associate, London
Eric Davison
Associate, London
Marzia Di Candido
Associate, London
Chris Lynn
Associate, London
Chris Coulter
Partner, London

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