Chambers USA 2024 Recognizes Cooley Lawyers + Practices
New York – June 7, 2024 – The Chambers USA 2024 guide has recognized Cooley with 67 practice area rankings and honored 142 Cooley lawyers in their respective fields. Each year, Chambers & Partners conducts extensive research to publish detailed rankings of the country’s top lawyers, legal departments and law firms. This year, Cooley received five new practice area rankings, 10 improved practice area rankings, 25 new individual rankings and 33 improved individual rankings, with 25 lawyers receiving one or more Band 1 rankings. The results also include 18 Band 1 practice rankings.
The firm maintained its nationwide Band 1 position in multiple practice areas – including Life Sciences, Privacy & Data Security: Litigation, and Startups & Emerging Companies. In each of these practice areas, the firm either added to its list of ranked lawyers or increased its existing rankings.
Additionally, the firm improved its ranking in several nationwide rankings tables – including in The Elite rankings tier of Corporate/M&A, as well as International Trade: CFIUS and Securities Litigation. The firm is newly ranked for Impact Investing, Banking & Finance and Financial Services Regulation: Consumer Finance (Compliance). On the state level, the firm improved its ranking in New York for Litigation: White-Collar Crime & Government Investigations, where it entered The Elite rankings tier, and is newly ranked in Massachusetts for Litigation: White-Collar Crime & Government Investigations.
The following is a complete list of Cooley’s Chambers USA 2024 practice rankings.
Leading practices
Indicates Band 1 rankings
* indicates new ranking
+ indicates improved ranking
Banking & Finance *
Capital Markets: Convertible Debt
Capital Markets: Equity: Issuer Counsel
Capital Markets: Equity: Manager Counsel
Corporate/M&A: The Elite +
Employee Benefits & Executive Compensation
Financial Services Regulation: Consumer Finance (Compliance) *
Financial Services Regulation: Consumer Finance (Enforcement & Investigations)
Impact Investing *
Intellectual Property
International Arbitration: Highly Regarded
International Trade: CFIUS Experts +
International Trade: Export Controls & Economic Sanctions: The Elite
Life Sciences
Privacy & Data Security: Litigation
Privacy & Data Security: The Elite
Private Equity: Fund Formation
Product Liability: Regulatory
Securities: Litigation +
Startups & Emerging Companies
Banking & Finance
Capital Markets: Debt & Equity
Intellectual Property: Patent Litigation
Intellectual Property: Patent Prosecution
Intellectual Property: Trademark, Copyright & Trade Secrets
Life Sciences
Litigation: General Commercial: The Elite
Litigation: Securities
Technology Transactions
Venture Capital
California: Los Angeles & Surrounds
Corporate/M&A: The Elite
Employee Benefits & Executive Compensation
California: San Diego
Litigation: General Commercial
California: San Francisco, Silicon Valley & Surrounds
Corporate/M&A: The Elite
Employee Benefits & Executive Compensation +
California: Southern
Tax +
Intellectual Property
District of Columbia
Corporate/M&A & Private Equity
Intellectual Property: Litigation
Intellectual Property: Patent Prosecution
Intellectual Property: Trademark, Copyright & Trade Secrets
Litigation: General Commercial: Highly Regarded
Media & Entertainment: Regulatory
Telecom, Broadcast & Satellite
Capital Markets +
Intellectual Property
Life Sciences
Litigation: General Commercial
Litigation: Securities
Litigation: White-Collar Crime & Government Investigations *
Private Equity: Venture Capital Investment
New York
Banking & Finance *
Corporate/M&A: Highly Regarded +
Litigation: General Commercial: Highly Regarded +
Litigation: White-Collar Crime & Government Investigations: The Elite +
Northern Virginia
Intellectual Property
Real Estate
Real Estate: Zoning/Land Use
Intellectual Property +
About Cooley LLP
Clients partner with Cooley on transformative deals, complex IP and regulatory matters, and high-stakes litigation.
Cooley has nearly 1,400 lawyers across 19 offices in the United States, Asia and Europe, and a total workforce of more than 3,000 people.
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